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The official launch of the new Maritime English Tests (MarTEL) is due to take place at the start of the New Year (2010) in a number of MET institutions across Europe. To be part of the first international standards for Maritime English and become a MarTEL test centre, then contact us at

MarTEL was instigated by Professor Ziarati after the 2006 IMO MSC 82, where he was representing Turkey and IMarEST. At the IMO MSC 82 one of the main issues was a much needed international set of maritime English standards. MarTEL is the response to this identified need. With half of the 80% of accidents taking place at sea due to poor communication, it is hoped that the creation of these new maritime English standards will not only help to save lives but also reduce material and financial losses.

The new MarTEL standards and accompanying tests have been designed by both scholars in Maritime English teaching and senior captains in the merchant Navy in order to ensure the tests are meeting the needs of English language and the profession. Each test examines the five main language skills: Reading, Listening, Writing, Speaking and Grammar. The tests also include integrated questions where candidates are tested on more than one of these skills at the same time. This allows the candidate to experience a simulation of the sorts of situations he/she will face in real life. The tests focus specifically on maritime knowledge and vocabulary in order to ensure the tests are vocation specific.

MarTEL is at the forefront of research in the Maritime English field. The tests have been created with the existing research findings in mind. Issues such as pronunciation that proved to be a large obstacle for seafarers have been incorporated into the test design. For more information on the research already carried out, please see our research section.

The MarTEL team consists of nine major players in the maritime and training community as well as several external consultants, examiners and verifiers, including Edexcel. They have many years of experience in European Union project developments and work very closely with the rest of the International maritime network. For example eight of the nine major MarTEL partners have worked on other European Union funded projects such as SOS and EGMDSS. The partners also have exceptional experience and understanding of the maritime training and maritime English fields. For further information please consult our website (

All of the tests have now been evaluated and are currently being piloted in MET institutions across Europe. These institutions include many of the original project partners as well as a large number of partners from outside the original partnership who have been supportive of the development of the MarTEL standards. These tests are due to be completed in the next couple of months to allow time for the appropriate adjustments to be made before the launch at the start of 2010. Initially the test will be available quarterly and then on a monthly basis. If you would like to implement MarTEL in your institution please contact us at

MarTEL tests all five main language skills – Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking as well as grammar.

If you would like more information, or to be involved in MarTEL Piloting programme, please enter your email and your country contact preference and we will keep you updated about the project progress and similar activities.

Contact Us

MarTEL Project
Centre for Factories of the Future (C4FF)
Barclays Venture Centre
University of Warwick Science Park
Sir William Lyons Road
Coventry CV4 7EZ
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0) 1926 802000

Alternatively, you can contact directly by email one of the local representative of the MarTEL team:

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